News Archive

The Attorney General’s Press Office works to communicate the latest information about the work being done by our agents, investigators and prosecutors.

From arresting child predators and shutting down drug traffickers to helping consumers and keeping seniors safe from fraud, the Attorney General’s Press Office tells the story, using the web, television, radio, newspapers and other media to reach citizens across Pennsylvania.

Date Title
04/13/2018 Attorney General Josh Shapiro Warns Pennsylvanians of Job Search and Employment Scams
04/12/2018 CASE UPDATE: Pennsylvania State Troopers Held for Trial on Felony Charges
04/11/2018 Attorney General Josh Shapiro Opposes Labor Department Program that Takes Away Workers’ Rights
04/10/2018 Attorney General Josh Shapiro Alerts Pennsylvania Consumers to Mortgage Modification Scams
04/10/2018 CASE UPDATE: Allegheny County School Student Transport Owner Pleads Guilty to Felonies
04/10/2018 CASE UPDATE: Berks County Man Charged with Homicide in Mother’s Death is Held for Trial
04/09/2018 Attorney General Shapiro Announces Additional Sexual Abuse Charges against Johnstown Pediatrician
04/06/2018 Attorney General Shapiro Announces Statewide Insurance Fraud Sweep Resulting in Charges against 42 Individuals
04/05/2018 CASE UPDATE: Former Gilberton Police Chief Found Guilty
04/05/2018 Attorney General Shapiro Sues EPA for Ignoring Responsibility under Clean Air Act to Control Methane Pollution
Showing 1221 - 1230 of 1493