Educational Presentations

Truth & Choiceswp_posts 
A drug program aimed at middle and high school students introduces students to Shane, who shares his true story of hard choices and near death experiences due to drugs and alcohol. It is a reality check for all students and will open a unique dialogue about the realities of substance abuse.

Prescription Drugs (Rx Consequences)wp_posts 
This program from the OAG focuses on the growing problem of prescription drug abuse among teenagers. The presentation features the story of a young man whose dependence on prescription drugs led him down an unexpected path of destruction.

Social Media 101 – What Parents Need to Know
This presentation gives parents a foundational education on understanding the social media sites their children use, and how to keep them safe while using them. Parents will learn how to navigate and learn how to enable the security features on the “apps,” along with recognizing the importance of knowing their child’s passwords. Monitoring children’s behavior and interactions on the internet is very critical in today’s world. Children are being targeted by online predators and cyber bullying at an alarming rate.

Operation Safe Surfwp_posts 
A program designed to help educate children, parents and schools on the importance of being safe online. Children are being targeted by online predators at an alarming rate, so it is critical for us to help them learn how to protect themselves while still enjoying all of the benefits on the internet.

Sticks & Stoneswp_posts 
A program that aims to change the way students think about bullying. No longer a push on the playground or a whisper in the hall, bullying has been transformed by the internet and now includes texting, social media, emails and websites.

Digital Citizenshipwp_posts 
Digital Citizenship is a program for grades 8-12 that explains what is expected of you while online and appropriate use of social media. We explore the consequences of improper use of the internet, dangers online, cyberbullying and your “digital footprint.” We all need to be good digital citizens as part of our cyber community.

Senior Crime Prevention Universitywp_posts 
The Senior Crime Prevention University (SCPU) educates older Pennsylvanians and their families throughout the Commonwealth on crime prevention. Our goal is to make Pennsylvania’s older population aware of the threat of fraud to the elder community, teach them how to avoid being victimized; and to make sure they know who they should call when they are concerned about their safety and well being.

Older Adult Bullying “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”wp_posts 
Bullying does not stop at any age.wp_posts  While we grow older, we do not necessarily ‘grow up.’wp_posts  This interactive program is designed to educate individuals on senior bullying.wp_posts  Covering issues of types of bullying, why people bully and what an individual can do to help themselves or others in a bullying situation.wp_posts  This program will help any individual that is involved in a bullying issue to find the confidence within them to report the problem.wp_posts  This program will also help care givers recognize bullying issues that can occur in the senior population.

The Attorney General has developed a community outreach presentation:wp_posts How to Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft, this program is aimed at involving the audience through some “Dos & Don’ts” of ID Theft.wp_posts  Each year, more than 10 million Americans have their personal information — including name, social security number, bank account or credit card number — stolen.wp_posts  Often times, thieves use this information to open phony credit card, bank or utility accounts.wp_posts  Occasionally, the perpetrator will use the victim’s identity to secure benefits such as healthcare or government assistance.

Unfortunately, identity theft can have a far reaching and disastrous impact on victims – preventing them from purchasing a home or even getting a job – and those who fall prey often face an uphill battle to restore their good name.

An Education and Outreach Agent/Specialist for the Office of Attorney General will share the latest tricks criminals are using to commit fraud, scams and identity theft across Pennsylvania.wp_posts These presentations are free of charge.