Northampton County

Northampton County Reentry Coalition

Northampton County Department of Corrections (NCDOC) has an average daily population hovering around 700 in 2017, with 15% of the population being female.wp_posts  It currently offers MRT, PIO and the US. DOL funded LEAP (employment readiness) program.wp_posts  NCDOC will start the PA DOC funded Non-Narcotic Medically Assisted Treatment program called Fresh Start in August 2017.wp_posts  Through the Reentry Coordinator these programs have been integrated into the daily operations of the jail.

The Northampton County Reentry Coalition started in 2011 with a small group who developed a basic logic model for the County’s reentry plans.wp_posts  Since then the Coalition has grown to include about 50 regular attenders and many more who stay connected electronically.wp_posts  The Coalition itself is not a funder or grant administrator for programming, but gathers stakeholders to focus reentry efforts for the following categories: housing, employment, education, mental health treatment, and drug and alcohol treatment.wp_posts  The Coalition members seek out new membership to enhance the network of providers in the Lehigh Valley supporting incarcerated individuals as well as those returning to our community.wp_posts  The Coalition has also sponsored many training opportunities over the last six years including Reentry Employment Specialist training, Trauma Informed Care for Criminal Justice Practitioners, and Risk-Needs-Responsivity training.

Clickwp_posts here for the Northampton County Reentry Guide.

Laura Savenelli, Reentry Coordinator

Mrs. Savenelli’s role as Reentry Coordinator includes working within the Northampton County Department of Corrections to ensure a safe and secure environment by overseeing grant funded and contracted treatment services and coordination of the Northampton County Reentry Coalition.wp_posts  Mrs. Savenelli has experience with grant writing, program administration and evaluation as well as supervision of a variety of case management based programming in the Lehigh Valley.wp_posts  She also has coordinated three strategic planning processes for the county since 2011 resulting in the CJAB 2012 Strategic plan, and the 2014 and 2017 Strategic Plans for Reentry.

Click here towp_posts emailwp_posts Laura.