AG Shapiro, Grand Jurors Praised for Report on Fracking Impacts, Government Oversight

June 26, 2020 | Topic: Criminal

HARRISBURG—After announcing the findings of the 43rd Investigating Statewide Grand Jury, Attorney General Josh Shapiro and the grand jurors have received national and statewide praise from grassroots organizations and people across Pennsylvania for the report detailing systematic failures of government oversight in protecting Pennsylvanians against the impacts of fracking.

Tom Torres, Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter Director:

“The Sierra Club thanks Attorney General Shapiro for demanding changes to the fracking industry and calling out its long history of putting their profits over Pennsylvania’s air, water, and people. We appreciate the work of Shapiro and the grand jury to establish these recommendations and we demand that Governor Wolf implement them immediately.

“The days of fracking companies running roughshod through our Commonwealth are over. Governor Wolf should take action immediately.”

Mark Szybist, National Resources Defense Council:

“The veil is finally being pulled back on the fracking industry’s careless, all too often illegal actions. The Attorney General’s report confirms that the state’s existing regulations don’t do enough to protect Pennsylvanians living near fracking sites or the land and water resources they depend on. It’s a travesty that Pennsylvanians have had to suffer the consequences of lax protections for so long. We look forward to reviewing the proposal for overdue changes that will help keep communities safe, boost the state’s oversight, and hold big polluters accountable – no matter their connections in the legislature.”

Joseph Otis Minott, Esq., Executive Director and Chief Counsel of Clean Air Council:

“Attorney General Shapiro’s diligent work with the Grand Jury to investigate the Pennsylvania shale gas boom has yielded a monumentally important report. For over a decade, the fracking industry has run roughshod over the people of Pennsylvania. The Grand Jury’s report reveals the tragic consequences of our state government’s hands-off approach to fracking.”


“This is an industry that has shown, time and again, that it doesn’t care about our health, or the health of our shared environment.”

Breathe Project:

“Thank you Attorney General Shapiro for bringing these findings and recommendations to protect our health, community, and rights.”

Environmental Defense Fund’s Energy Program:

“With [the] new report, the Pennsylvania Attorney General surfaces critical environmental and policy issues around oil and gas development – including the need for action to protect PA communities, environment and climate.”

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