Annual Asset Forfeiture Reports

These annual reports are submitted to the Appropriations and Judiciary Committees of the PA Senate and House of Representatives to provide the Legislature with an accounting of the property forfeited under the provisions of the Forfeiture of Assets Act, 42 Pa. C.S.A. wp_posts§5801 et seq. (formerly 42 Pa. C.S.A. 6801 et seq., 18 P.S. wp_posts§1.7 et seq., 42 Pa. C.S.A. wp_posts§6801.1 et seq.). The reports specify the forfeited property or proceeds of forfeited property under the statute. Information pertaining to the proceeds derived from the sale of forfeited property and the use made of forfeited property is likewise reported.

These reports contain information on property forfeited to the Commonwealth collected pursuant to the laws, as reported by both the Office of Attorney General and the District Attorneys.

Asset Forfeiture Report 1985-1986
Asset Forfeiture Report 1986-1987
Asset Forfeiture Report 1987-1988
Asset Forfeiture Report 1988-1989
Asset Forfeiture Report 1989-1990
Asset Forfeiture Report 1990-1991
Asset Forfeiture Report 1991-1992
Asset Forfeiture Report 1992-1993
Asset Forfeiture Report 1993-1994
Asset Forfeiture Report 1994-1995
Asset Forfeiture Report 1995-1996
Asset Forfeiture Report 1996-1997
Asset Forfeiture Report 1997-1998
Asset Forfeiture Report 1998-1999
Asset Forfeiture Report 1999-2000
Asset Forfeiture Report 2000-2001
Asset Forfeiture Report 2001-2002
Asset Forfeiture Report 2002-2003
Asset Forfeiture Report 2003-2004
Asset Forfeiture Report 2004-2005 – Controlled Substances & Chop Shop
Asset Forfeiture Report 2005-2006
Asset Forfeiture Report 2006-2007
Asset Forfeiture Report 2007-2008 – Chop Shop
Asset Forfeiture Report 2007-2008 – Controlled Substances
Asset Forfeiture Report 2008-2009 – Chop Shop
Asset Forfeiture Report 2008-2009 – Controlled Substances
Asset Forfeiture Report 2009-2010 – Chop Shop
Asset Forfeiture Report 2009-2010 – Controlled Substances
Asset Forfeiture Report 2010-2011 – Chop Shop
Asset Forfeiture Report 2010-2011 – Controlled Substances
Asset Forfeiture Report 2011-2012 – Chop Shop
Asset Forfeiture Report 2011-2012 – Controlled Substances
Asset Forfeiture Report 2012-2013 – Chop Shop
Asset Forfeiture Report 2012-2013 – Controlled Substances
Asset Forfeiture Report 2013-2014 – Chop Shop
Asset Forfeiture Report 2013-2014 – Controlled Substances
Asset Forfeiture Report 2014-2015 – Chop Shop
Asset Forfeiture Report 2014-2015 – Controlled Substances
Asset Forfeiture Report 2015-2016 – Chop Shop
Asset Forfeiture Report 2015-2016 – Controlled Substances
Asset Forfeiture Report 2016-2017 – Chop Shop
Asset Forfeiture Report 2016-2017 – Controlled Substances
Asset Forfeiture Report 2017-2018
Asset Forfeiture Report 2018-2019
Asset Forfeiture Report 2019-2020
Asset Forfeiture Report FY 20-21
Asset Forfeiture Report FY21-22