Statement of Attorney General Shapiro on Federal Judge’s Ruling Granting Preliminary Nationwide Injunction in Contraceptive Care Lawsuit against President Trump and the Trump Administration

December 15, 2017 | Topic: Rights

Harrisburg — “Today, Pennsylvania won a nationwide injunction from Federal Judge Wendy Beetlestone stopping President Trump’s order that eliminated women’s guaranteed access to contraceptive care under the Affordable Care Act,” Attorney General Shapiro said.

“Donald Trump broke the law to undermine women’s health, and women here in Pennsylvania stood up and proved that in court. Together we’ve won a nationwide halt to these rules, protecting women across the country.

“This is just the first step, but today is a critical victory for millions of women and families and for the rule of law.

“The harm from this rule was immediate. Women need contraception for their health because contraception is medicine, pure and simple. Women and families rely on the Affordable Care Act’s guarantee to afford contraception; before the ACA families spent thousands of dollars in co-pays for basic care. Congress hasn’t changed the law, so the President can’t simply ignore it with an illegal rule.

“We’re pleased we’ve won the first battle in our fight today and look forward to the next steps.

“And on behalf of the people of Pennsylvania I want to thank my terrific legal team that won this injunction. We are grateful for your service. Thank you to Executive Deputy AG Jonathan Scott Goldman, Chief Deputy for Impact Litigation Mike Fischer, Nicole Boland, Nikole Brock, Stephen Kovatis and Lauren Sulcove. They also couldn’t have done it without Executive Deputy AG Sara Manzano Diaz, Nicole Van Order, Patrick Greene, Kevin Bradford and Barry Kramer.”

Statement from Dawn Laguens, Executive Vice President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America:

“We applaud Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro for protecting access to birth control. Trump’s harmful attack on birth control shows a fundamental disdain for women’s health and lives by putting the health of 62.4 million women at risk,” said Dawn Laguens, Executive Vice President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Click here for a link to a  video  from Attorney General Josh Shapiro.

Click here for a link to Federal Judge Wendy Beetlestone’s  order  and  injunction.

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