Attorney General Michelle Henry released a statement following the White House announcement of an Executive Order on strengthening background checks:
“The executive order announced today by the White House aims to strengthen existing tools that will help keep more guns from getting into the wrong hands through straw purchases and illegal firearms transfers by exposing and holding rogue gun dealers culpable for violating the law.
“The Office of Attorney General supports all efforts to close loopholes on those who are able to sell firearms without conducting background checks, educate dealers on background check requirements, and shine a light on those who are not in compliance. Additionally, we will continue our efforts to combat gun violence through initiatives like Track and Trace, which aims to accelerate law enforcement knowledge of gun sales in order to crack down on straw purchases, and aggressive prosecution of those who engage in straw purchasing.
“I welcome the opportunity to work collaboratively with local, state and federal officials using the laws at our disposal in order to make Pennsylvania communities safer.”
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