AG Shapiro Statement on SCOTUS Decision to Protect LGBTQ Rights

June 15, 2020 | Topic: Peoples AG

“This landmark decision  makes clear that discrimination against LGBTQ Americans, something I have worked my entire career to end, is unacceptable. One of the first bills I cosponsored 15 years ago in the General Assembly would have prohibited discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identify.  It has taken too long, but I am glad the court has made clear that no one should be discriminated against at work for  who they are  or who they love.

Title VII is clear, employers cannot discriminate against employees based on their race, religion, national origin, or sex — which includes sexual orientation and gender identify. The Supreme Court affirmed this basic promise today, and my office will continue to fight so that all Americans have the equal protection under the law that everyone deserves.”

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