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The Civil Rights Enforcement Section protects and advances the rights of Pennsylvanians through the enforcement of state and federal civil rights laws.
The Civil Rights Enforcement Section generally exercises its discretion to investigate and pursue cases involving systemic patterns or practices of discrimination, cases that otherwise raise civil rights issues of statewide significance, or cases in which the Office of Attorney General is in a unique position to help.
Depending on the nature of the complaint, you may need to do the following:
Please Note: As part of the complaint handling process, the Section may send a copy of this form to the individual or company against whom your complaint is filed. Failure to supply your complete and accurate contact information may result in delayed processing of your complaint.
The Civil Rights Enforcement Section’s primary jurisdiction is systemic discrimination – e.g., that emanates from a policy or that affects many people – or discrimination that otherwise raises issues of statewide importance, based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy and LGBTQ), disability, holding a G.E.D. (employment), or familial status (housing). We also work with law enforcement partners to protect persons or property against crimes motivated by hatred toward the race, color, religion, or national origin of another individual or group (ethnic intimidation or institutional vandalism).
Select the reason that best describes your concern. Each reason lists examples of civil rights violations that may relate to your incident. In another section of this report, you will be able to describe your concern in your own words.
If this is an emergency, call 9-1-1. If it is not an emergency, and you think you are a victim of a hate crime, you should first report it to the local police. The Attorney General’s Civil Rights Enforcement Section also has the authority to seek civil injunctions in appropriate cases.
The following are examples of systemic discrimination in housing or related lending which the Civil Rights Enforcement Section could exercise its discretion to investigate. Complainants alleging non-systemic or single incidents of discrimination are referred to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission or another appropriate agency.
The following are examples of systemic employment discrimination which the Civil Rights Enforcement Section could exercise its discretion to investigate. Complainants alleging non-systemic or single incidents of discrimination are referred to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission or another appropriate agency.
The Civil Rights Enforcement Section works with the Criminal Law Division to evaluate potential violations of Pennsylvania’s Criminal History Record Information Act (CHRIA), governing the use of criminal records in hiring for employment, to determine whether such use violates CHRIA and/or laws against employment or housing discrimination.
The following are examples of systemic discrimination by businesses in public accommodations which the Civil Rights Enforcement Section could exercise its discretion to investigate. Complainants alleging non-systemic or single incidents of discrimination are referred to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission or another appropriate agency.
The following are examples of systemic education discrimination which the Civil Rights Enforcement Section could exercise its discretion to investigate. Complainants alleging non-systemic or single incidents of discrimination are referred to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission or another appropriate agency.
The Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General does not have direct administrative or criminal jurisdiction over police departments or police misconduct issues. The Criminal Law Division can prosecute cases of local police misconduct only when referred by district attorneys. Allegations of police misconduct generally should be made to the following:
The discrimination contexts above reflect some but not all of the types of matters that the Civil Rights Enforcement Section may address or assist you with. Select this option if you do not see a discrimination context or example that applies to your situation. You will have an opportunity to explain later. However, first please also review the options below to determine whether another Section in the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General may have clearer jurisdiction.
By completing and submitting this complaint form, I am adopting this as my online signature. I certify that the information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. I understand that false statements herein are made subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MAY NEED TO CONTACT A LAWYER SINCE THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CANNOT ACT AS YOUR PRIVATE LAWYER. As a law enforcement agency, the primary function of the Attorney General is to represent the public at large by enforcing laws prohibiting acts of discrimination where there is a pattern or practice of unlawful activity. Your complaint does remain on file with our office and the information contained in it may be used to establish future violations of Pennsylvania law or other issues of general public importance.
All documents related to civil rights complaints should be sent to the following address:
Office of Attorney General Civil Rights Enforcement Section 14th Floor, Strawberry Square Harrisburg, PA 17120 (717) 787-0822
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We hope we can be of assistance to you.