Request for Investigative Information from a Criminal Justice Agency

This form is to be used when requesting access to investigative information from a criminal justice agency under the Pennsylvania Criminal History Record Information Act (CHRIA). Only a direct victim of crime who intends to sue or has filed suit, or a defendant in a civil lawsuit in which a direct victim is a party, or the personal representative of such a victim or civil defendant, may obtain access to this information.

Investigation Information Request

Criminal Justice Agency from which investigative information is requested:
Agency Address
Name of Requester
Status of Requester:
Name of defendant in criminal case
Press the button to create a new lines.
Name of law enforcement agency/ies involved in the investigation
Please indicate why you are requesting the dissemination of investigative information:
The information provided and the facts recited in this Request for Investigative Information from a Criminal Justice Agency are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. This statement is made with knowledge that a false statement is punishable by law under 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904(b) (unsworn falsification to authorities).
MM slash DD slash YYYY
I understand that:
  1. Despite this request, dissemination of investigative information may be denied because it is otherwise nondiscoverable or privileged for reasons set forth in Subchapter F.1 of the Criminal History Record Information Act.
  2. Investigative information obtained through this Request may be used only in connection with an actual or potential civil action directly relating to the investigative information.
  3. The use of investigative information obtained under Subchapter F.1 of the Criminal History Record Information Act to harass, intimidate, or threaten another person constitutes a misdemeanor of the second degree.
This statement is made with knowledge that a false statement is punishable by law under 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904(b) (unsworn falsification to authorities).
MM slash DD slash YYYY