State Ethics Act Curriculum

May 20, 2020
History & Purpose 8:00
This summary includes a brief history of the State Ethics Act, with subsequent statutory amendments. It explains the organizational structure and primary functions of the State Ethics Commission, including information on the annual filing of Statements of Financial Interest, and public availability of official Advices and Opinions through its E-Library.

August 27, 2020
Key Provisions of the Act 56:07
This presentation explains what public employees fall under the jurisdiction of the Act, and what constitutes a conflict of interest, improper influence, or an impermissible honorarium (payment for official appearances). It includes an explanation of the one-year “revolving door” prohibition on representing a person or entity before the agency at which a former public employee worked. The Presenter explains “do’s and don’ts” regarding the annual requirement to file the annual Statement of Financial Interest; explains confidentiality of investigations, and explains possible penalties for violation of the Act.