General Ethics Curriculum

July 9, 2020
Our Approach – An Introduction 8:34
This portion of the website offers discussions on general topics that relate to ethics and workplace dynamics from a practical application of values and principles to our conduct. The presentations are a starting point, and should foster greater discussion on how ethics, effective communication, accountability, institutional integrity and reputational considerations all guide us daily in making our government the most efficient and ethical it can be.

July 9, 2020
Accountability 15:35
Every public servant is accountable to the citizens of Pennsylvania, and for his/her actions and inactions for both institutional and personal accountability. This video includes some Rules of Professional Conduct (PARPC) for attorneys which can act as a measure of guidance for all public employees.

July 9, 2020
“Always On” 10:56
As government employees, we should consider ourselves “Always on”… not in the sense that we’re required to be on the job around the clock, but more in the sense that someone is always evaluating our performance, whether on the clock, or after work hours.

July 9, 2020
Civility in the Workplace 8:54
Civility is more than just good manners and etiquette; it includes mutual respect in avoiding that which is offensive, rude, demeaning or threatening. Incivility damages relationships while lowering work quality, morale, job satisfaction and personal commitment; do we know incivility when we see it?

July 9, 2020
Communication 19:53
Effective Communication is essential for the proper and ethical administration of government. This video explains essentials of clarity of language, emphasis in text and emails, frames of reference, vocabulary, and the importance of follow-through.

July 9, 2020
Cyber Security 23:37
Cyber-security is critically important to every organization. Computer Hackers have been around for quite a while, and they grow in number and in sophistication every year. The public trusts us to safeguard and secure their data; and we each have personal responsibility for cyber-security in the government workplace. This discussion includes several examples of actual attempts at hacking government entities in Pennsylvania.

July 9, 2020
DeMinimis 17:46
Cutting corners is rarely, if ever, a good idea. Small things (like a staple, paper, a text message, or 15 minutes of your worktime) really do matter. And as for typos”¦ have you heard about “the most expensive hyphen in history?!”

July 9, 2020
Fed 14 Ethics Principles 7:00
An explanation of the Federal Government’s 14 General Ethics Principles, which can serve as guidance for all Pennsylvania public servants.

July 9, 2020
Public Service 16:31
Public Service is a public trust. As government employees, we work for the benefit of our community, placing the interests of others above our own. This presentation includes the ASPA Code of Ethics that form the foundation of our duties and responsibilities as public servants and the social impact we have daily.

July 10, 2020
Reasons and Excuses 13:28
Everyone makes mistakes; but how we explain them shows our true character. Do we own up and provide real reasons, or do we try to shift blame with made-up excuses? When we rationalize, we put our own integrity and credibility at risk.

July 9, 2020
Reputation 12:35
Your reputation is much too valuable to treat casually”¦ you can’t be in two places at once, but your reputation serves as your “stand-in” whenever you’re not around. Just as you guard your own good reputation, guard that of the government entity for which you work.

July 9, 2020
Social Media 20:02
Using Social Media is not only a measure of our personal expression. By putting something out into the world, whether we realize it or not, we always make some sort of splash. Consider that someone may well know who you are and where you work, and that your online actions are seen as reflections not just of you, but of your employer as well.