School Presentations

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Halloween Safety

Halloween is quickly approaching and before we know it, it will be time for trick-or-treating. This presentation is designed to educate kids about ways to stay smart and safe while they are enjoying this fun time of year. A parent’s version of this presentation is also available.

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  •                     Am
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Sticks & Stones: Staying Smart and Safe Online

A program for students in grades 5-12 that explains what is expected of them while online and appropriate use of social media. No longer a push on the playground or a whisper in the hall, bullying has been transformed by the internet and social media. We will explore the consequences of improper use of the internet, dangers online, cyberbullying and your “digital footprint.”

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  • Oss
  • Oss
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Operation Safe Surf

A presentation for students in grades K-4 that explains how to stay safe and smart while online. We will talk about red flags to look out for so that we keep ourselves safe from others online, and also explore tips for making smart choices in what we say and do online.

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  • Vaping
  • Vapes
  • Vapes
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Behind the Smoke: Vaping is No Joke

Despite warnings from the medical community, school policies, and state and federal laws aimed at stopping youth from vaping, the usage of e-cigarettes among middle and high school students continues to rise. This program provides eye-opening facts about e-cigarettes, and warns parents about the dangers of vaping and best practices to prevent and stop vaping use.

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  • Opioids
  • Opioids
  • Opioids
  • Opioids
  • Opioids
  • Opioids
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Opioids: What You Need to Know

Pennsylvania continues to fight a public health and public safety battle against the heroin and opioid epidemic. Although the recent Pandemic shifted focus away from the Opioid Crisis, we lost over 5,100 Pennsylvanians in 2020 from heroin and opioid overdoses – that’s 14 Pennsylvanians every day! This presentation will discuss what Opiates are, why citizens are at risk, proper storage and disposal of Opioids, and explaining what Narcan is. This presentation also discusses what the Commonwealth is doing regarding the Opioid crisis.

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  • Social Media
  • Socia Media    B
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Social Media 101: Parents/Teachers

This presentation gives parents and teachers a foundational education on understanding the social media sites that children use and how to keep them safe while using them. Parents and teachers will learn how to navigate and learn how to enable the security features on the “apps,” along with recognizing the importance of knowing their child’s passwords. Monitoring children’s behavior and interactions on the internet is very critical in today’s world. Children are being targeted by online predators and cyber bullying at an alarming rate.

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  • Truth Choices
  • Truth Choices
  • Truth Choices
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Truth & Choices

A drug program for middle and high school students. Shane shares his true story of hard choices and near-death experiences due to drugs and alcohol. This is a reality check for all students and will open a unique dialogue about the realities of substance abuse.

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  • Consequesnces
  • Consequences
  • Consequences
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Consequences – RX Drug Abuse

This program focuses on the growing problem of prescription drug abuse among teenagers. The presentation features the story of a young man whose dependence on prescription drugs led him down an unexpected path of destruction.

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